IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO                              17

COUNTY 1844 TO 1846, IN GUELPH 1846 TO 1850.

     Father Sanderl came to Waterloo County early in the year 1844.  He made his home in St. Agatha, and lived in two rooms of the old church-school, like his predecessors had done.  He began a new Register, telling in the margin where he performed his ministrations so that it is not difficult to trace his footsteps.  In it the following places are continually mentioned: Wilmot (St.  Agatha), Preston, New Germany, Kingsbush (St. Clements), The Huron Tract (South East Hope), Alona, near Toronto, Peel County, Chippawa, Rainham, Guelph, Greenwood, near London, Puslinch, Wellesley, and Woolwich.  His last baptism here was Nov. 2, 1846.
   Sometime while at St. Agatha a serious difference arose concerning the old trouble about the Church Deed.  The School Board had the Title to the site of the log church school, and they have it still.  The new church was built across the street on land donated by Nicolaus Dietrich.  As yet he had not given a deed.  The friction seems to have been about the site of the new church, and became so acute that the church was closed for a time, when or how long could not be established.  It is said that the Bishop and some priests had come to the village without celebrating Mass.  The trouble was not settled then., but the church must have been re-opened after some time, leaving the settlement of the difference to a more propitious time.  A letter of Father Schneider indicates that this difficulty had arisen when the building of the new church was proposed. It continued to disturb the parish till the Jesuits finally succeeded in persuading the people to give the title to the Episcopal Corporation of Toronto, May 24, 1848.
     Then a joint deed was made covering the cemetery, given by Margaret Gatchene, beside the old schoolhouse, by Alois Schneider and Bernard Brenner for two acres on the southeast corner, and by Nicolaus Dietrich for two acres on the northeast corner, the site of the church.  On June 18, 1890, another plot of one and 53/100 of an acre was purchased from Mr. Joseph Kaiser to enlarge the cemetery, the price being $120.00.
     In October, 1847, Father Sanderl left Waterloo Couuntv for Guelph, when Father Gibney had died, Oct. 17, 1846.  There a fine stone church had been built by Father Gibney after the destruction of the first church of frame, Oct. 10, 1844.  The new church had scarcely been,completed, and but poorly furnished when Father Gibney died.  Hence Father Sanderl must have found much to improve and a considerable debt to pay.  He no doubt was hard pressed by creditors and had, in consequence, to be very active in collecting dues and subscriptions.
     This brought upon him a serious difficulty which unfortunately put an end to his further usefulness as pastor.  The story of the trouble is told differently by different people.  The sum and substance of it is this:
     A member of the parish had a child to bury, and came to the pastor to make arrangements.  The pastor demanded his dues from the man before he would bury the child.  Thereupon the man went away and buried the child himself.  Hearing this, the pastor ordered the child's corpse to be exhumed, and, as some say, sold to the doctor.
     When the storm broke over Father Sanderl's head he fled from Guelph and retired, at first secretly, to the island in Puslinch Lake a few miles south

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