IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO                            61


    The Jesuits, having abandoned New Germany in the early part of 1852, the Rev. Father Baumgartner took their place.  He came from the Missions along the lower Grand River, Indiana, Rainham, etc.  He had his first baptism here on May 2nd, 1852, and his last May 4th, 1856.  Under his administrations a splendid bell was secured.  For the purpose a committee of twelve was elected to collect the funds.  John Berberich, the teacher, was its secretary.  The heavy bell had to be brought in from Preston.  It is still in use.
    The celebrated Missionary, Father F. X. Wenninger, gave a rousing Mission here as well as in other German parishes during the fall of 1854, and erected a huge cross in front of the church which stood till the new church was built under Father Niemann.
    From New Germany Father Baumgartner attended Preston and sometimes Berlin before it had a church.  He left for Michigan and labored there between Port Huron and Detroit for many years until his death.  The exact place of his labors, death and burial could not be ascertained in spite of serious investigation.  After his departure New Germany was again served from Guelph by Fathers Holzer, Blettner and Matoga till September, 1856, when the Rev.  Dr. Arnold took charge.

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