IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO                             63


    This young priest took possession of the New Germany parish in June, 1860, and remained till June 30, 1863.  Particulars about him, his origin, etc., are given in the History of St. Agatha.  Often while here when on missionary duty elsewhere, Father Breitkopf, C.R., took his place, coming from Berlin.
    At this time smallpox was prevalent everywhere, with especial severity in New Germany.  Even now many of the people who were young then have their faces badly marked from the ugly disease.
    The writer was informed from a very credible source of an episode of

this young priest that seems almost incredible.  He was called to a sufferer from smallpox.  The patient's face was so swollen and disfigured with the loathsome malady that it was not to be recognized as a human face.  When attempting to give the patient the Holy Viaticum, the priest could not get it into the sufferer's mouth, in spite of all his efforts.  So he took the particle back to the church and placed it by itself in the tabernacle.  At the first opportunity he asked his Superior's permission to consume the particle at one of his Masses.  The Superior gave his consent, and the particle was then disposed of in the proposed way.  The writer asked the priest a few years ago whether this was true.  He did not answer, I presume through humility.
     Father Glowacki planted the fine orchard in his early days.  He also se-

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